Archive for the ‘merry moogmas’ Category

Moooooog35 has left the building.

To keep you busy, I still have that poll up on the left.

You ladies out there are welcome to dance around it while wearing very little.

Thanks in advance.

Also, I have a review of “Tropic Thunder” over on Moog’s Movie Reviews.

For you people with little or nothing better to do, watch out for a:

“Mental Poo 2008 Retrospective”

…coming on December 31!!



But…I won’t be around or commenting.

At least, until 2009.

As is required by my employer, I’ve been mandated to take the remainder of my vacation days before the year ends.

Or I lose them.

Like I’m going to argue with that.

Now, as much as I can’t stand being around my children for more than ten minutes at a time…

(seriously, kids…STOP TALKING!!!)

…I’m not one to shirk off mandated vacations.

In the interest of keeping you all busy and interested in this blog during my reprieve, I’ve done nothing.

Seriously, it’s not like I’m making any fucking money here, folks.

If you want to be entertained, go wax something hairy.

I suggest either a Pit Bull, or another man’s genitalia.

Don’t ask me how I’ve come up with that list.

Regardless…to keep you entertained and coming back for more…

…you can vote or check the results on my “What’s the most disturbing search term” poll over on the left.

Seriously. It’s all I’ve got.

And now, my holiday wishes:

To all of you, have a (choose one):

1) Merry Christmas (Catholics/Christians/Branch Davidians)

2) Kickin’ Kwanzaa (African people who wear cool robes)

3) Happy Hannukah
(or Channukah…or whatever…just have a Nazi-free one) – (people in the banking or entertainment industry)

4) Jumpin’ Jihad (terrorists and people in Bollywood)

5) Phat Fatwa (terrorists)

6) Week off (atheists and people who like baby carrots)

I’ll be back after the New Year…full of vim, vigor, and freshly shaved balls.

Shaved. Not waxed.

Unless one of you fuckers gets to me first.

Moog out.