Archive for May 12, 2009

A few things today:

1) I have a new movie review of ‘Star Trek’ over on Moog’s Movie Reviews.

How was my wife’s Mother’s Day?

She mowed my lawn while I went to see a movie.

My Father’s Day is going to be full of wicked retribution.

2) Benny Lava

Now, I don’t usually repost other people’s shit…I like to make my own.


Kellie over on Beauty is in the Eye of the Beer Holder posted this video on her site last week.

I’ve watched it no less than 15 times and cried laughing every single one of them.

Enjoy…Benny Lava:


3) Motivate THIS.

(points at crotch)

Nothing to see here today…

…except a custom “motivational poster” made by yours truly over at Big Huge Labs.


…I have no idea how I made it almost 40 years without finding this thing.

Here’s today’s poster for you (click to enlarge (that’s what she said)):


…I remember that.

Good times…good times.

If you want to see all of my custom posters, click here.

If you like them, feel free to post them on your site.

Just give me some credit.

God knows my bank won’t.

Moog out.

A few things today:

1) I have a new movie review of ‘Star Trek’ over on Moog’s Movie Reviews.

How was my wife’s Mother’s Day?

She mowed my lawn while I went to see a movie.

My Father’s Day is going to be full of wicked retribution.

2) Benny Lava

Now, I don’t usually repost other people’s shit…I like to make my own.


Kellie over on Beauty is in the Eye of the Beer Holder posted this video on her site last week.

I’ve watched it no less than 15 times and cried laughing every single one of them.

Enjoy…Benny Lava:


3) Motivate THIS.

(points at crotch)

Nothing to see here today…

…except a custom “motivational poster” made by yours truly over at Big Huge Labs.


…I have no idea how I made it almost 40 years without finding this thing.

Here’s today’s poster for you (click to enlarge (that’s what she said)):


…I remember that.

Good times…good times.

If you want to see all of my custom posters, click here.

If you like them, feel free to post them on your site.

Just give me some credit.

God knows my bank won’t.

Moog out.